ARCHICAD 18 -ENGLISH- As was weird last weekend, we shared a brochure ArchiCAD18 , share it , and then kindly asked for a user, that if we could remove because filtered in the network without being officially released, out of respect for Graphisoft we remove but as we had already collaborated on wildfire, some who heard and saw , others who got it and shared it , the rest is history . I do not intend to share it again , until it becomes official but do not worry you can look on the net , you will surely find many groups published in ArchiCAD , but still belong to one , then it's time to sign up for one . The lesson we have is that the network is fully public and anything that for some reason appears without discharge permits will logically downloaded by someone , and if it is a pump news,then at least you would expect is that is not shared, and if we add what we are enthusiastic and proactive , then.... Anyone with google can type ArchiCAD 18 pdf and check the cache data from the brochures, which were filtered , I hope that does not mean that someone could lose job over it , but thanks to this advance many are desperate , by having at ArchiCAD 18 , even as a demo to try. Now that has been exposed the new version of ArchiCAD 18 with the indiscreet publication see which are the most significant advances that brings Graphisoft . # 1 CINEMA 4D as Render engine Graphisoft certainly lost a lot of market in the world because they made no changes to time regarding improvement of rendering engines , many users are turning to the program in the first instance by its ease of modeling, but seeing the results they could get in they are rendered disillusioned , to appear to ArchiCAD compared to its competition - REVIT - was obsolete , which of course is not. For years ArchiCAD remained render engine to Lightworks which was introduced since version 9, that version were so excited imagining see our models with a professional finish , however it was a bad taste in the mouth for many, even though back then the company that LightWork Design development had a more powerful engine, ArchiCAD was very small , I remember when I bought my car and the austere version was indeed austere. Now this great and logical upgrade all hope and strongly not to commit the mistake again of Lightworks , and render engine version to honor the 30th anniversary of ArchiCAD, please . As we all know the company that owns it also owns ArchiCAD Maxon Cinema 4D creative , so it was only a matter of time for him to go full circle . The option that promotes brochure is called A - Button one shot - reference to a camera - also will be accompanied by an extensive catalog of surfaces , which would ensure that the button actually works . Also provides a connection to Cinema 4D that allow the user , if desired , further deepening the finished render in such programs. In addition to taking advantage of ArchiCAD is a BIM program that works with multiprocessors processes rendering will be more fluid , all we did render some idea on what the time , logic is that the more lights, reflections and glare means more time. I think for normal, as an outer or a scene we can expect a relatively short time, perhaps similar to Lightworks. # 2 BIM Collaboration Format In order to continue the collaboration and interaction of specialized programs this version introduces support for the format, for those who do not know this format was originally suggested by various software vendors including Tekla and Solibri , making this format is to give a capacity of communication workflows connected by IFC models . This means , well if you work with IFC models and import them to your model and then there is a problem ideally be resolved in the program that originated for correction , adding comments , responses and suggestions collaborator. This should give you a history of IFC model reviews . # 3 Improvements in PDF If you have handled and printed in PDF AutoCAD know how valuable it is to have control of the layers in a PDF document , well, now we have control of it and drawing elements. # 4 Revision Manager Like the rendering engine , how to share reviews using a DWF file was more than obsolete and contradictory , use a format of competition ? I wonder who they found out or carried out the routine with the previous reviewer. And curious if they did give me the reason that had nothing to do with the work style that we are accustomed to other tools of ArchiCAD. Now comes fully renovated allowing better patch management, without resorting formats that are not native to ArchiCAD. # 5 Natural Restrictions The ability to link items to homes helps a lot , change a level floor can be a headache because you have to change many things , now walls , columns and areas will be linked to floor levels. Besides the complex structures were adjusted in a simpler way , but this does not resolve the Edge finish that forged many still wonder how to make it . # 6 BIM Cloud Integration This solution is intended mostly to companies that work with many partners will definitely help them a lot in the work processes. For this is roughly defined as a summary of what we can expect , ArchiCAD 18 is a Great release, and these changes likely sales program, and the downloads are going to shoot as much as the brochure. Congratulations to ArchiCAD for his 30 years.
